With gentle hands-on guidance and verbal explanations I can help you to find ease and balance within yourself in simple movements and everyday activities such as sitting, standing, walking or bending.
Through experience and observation, you gain increased awareness enabling you to change long-standing habits and to function more efficiently. In time, you will be able to use your new understanding and skill in more complex and demanding activities. You can bring awareness and poise to anything you do.

You will note that it is a pupil/teacher relationship rather than patient/practitioner. This is because you are learning to get rid of past postural habits in order to embrace new ones. It is therefore not a therapy as such, although at the end of a lesson pupils usually experience a better sense of well-being.
The Alexander Technique is suitable for people of all ages and levels of physical fitness.
Lessons are 45 minutes.
The number of lessons you take will depend on your particular needs and goals.
Each lesson – £40
Back to back (two people) sharing for one hour – £30 each
Eight lessons with payment in advance – £288 (£36 per lesson)
Four lessons with payment in advance – £152 (£38 per lesson)