
Learn The Alexander Technique

It is a re-education process.  It can be learned in ways to suit you.

One to one individual lessons

Back2back sessions (two people sharing a one hour lesson)

On-going, hour long, weekly classes (numbers are kept low)

Workshops on walking and balance (two hours)

I can also come into your place of work to assess how you are carrying out your activities

Liz provides one-to-one sessions at her home in St Leonards-On-Sea. Contact her to book these.

Back to back sessions (two people sharing a one hour session) also available.

The Alexander Technique Is A Way Of Life

It truly is!
You are learning self-care skills, which will benefit you for the rest of your life. As we learn to undo patterns of poor postural use, we discover a new freedom of the body. With this comes the ability to manage pain, or even eradicate it. The human body is a delicately balanced structure designed to work efficiently with the minimum of effort required to carry out various tasks. If you watch a toddler squat, or start to walk, there is an effortless quality about the movement and the head is balanced perfectly on top of the spine. Somewhere along the line this freedom disappears which can lead to long-term pain with excess pressure on the joints.
Lessons in the Technique help to eradicate excess tensions. By working with everyday actions, such as sitting and standing it is possible to change from poor postural patterns of use to increased freedom of movement. This leads to a better sense of well-being and a better quality of life.
It is perhaps best described as a means of enabling support and balance of the body, in an unforced way.

Book One to One Lessons with Liz
More On Lessons………………
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